Monday, August 8, 2011

Great Itasca

I did not dig in my garden, all weekend! We spent the weekend at Itasca State Park, Headwaters of the Mississippi. The park offers activities and learning opportunities for all ages, so we took advantage of what we could. I finished a book, relaxed by the campfire with friends, swam with the little boy and took a walk in the rain. Beautiful and much more relaxing than a trip to Mexico. Our own Minnesota paradise!

Close up - Moss
Lake Itasca

Dead Tree

Tree mushrooms

What can I say... I like dead trees.

Tree mushrooms

Non-edible berries

Wild flower (or weed?)


View from the fire tower. (Photographer: Jeremy)

Me and the Hubs

Cole and Jeremy climbed the fire tower!

Me and the Little Boy
 For some reason some of my photos won't switch to vertical... will have to work on that a different day!

1 comment:

Susie - said...

What beautiful scenery! Glad you've had a lovely holiday! :)